Michael Nava Ramirez, aka “Big Mike”

Michael Nava Ramirez

Michael’s Bio

Your major: Aerospace/Aviation Maintenance Technician

Your hometown: Mexico City

Where do you live now? Las Vegas/Salt Lake City

What are you passionate about? Practicing Brazilian jiu-jitsu

What is your favorite class (or classes) at SLCC? COMM 1560

Which actor/actress would play you in your life movie? The Rock, with long hair!

Where do you see yourself in five years? Working as an Aviation Maintenance Technician in warm weather locations

If you could have a superpower, what would it be? My superpower would be to be able to control time

Something about you that other people would be surprised to know: I work for Delta Airlines and have been there for 18 years

Michael’s Favorites

Favorite musicians and/or artists: J DILLA

Favorite TV shows and/or movies: Schitt’s Creek

Favorite sports or sports teams: Favorite sport currently is submission only jiu-jitsu and UFC

Favorite food: Tacos and Pozole

What’s your favorite place to eat? Momofuku restaurant in Las Vegas

What was your favorite cereal as a kid? Fruit Loops