Jack Dudley

Jack Dudley

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Jack’s Bio

Your major: Computer Science

Your hometown: Salt Lake City

Where do you live now? Salt Lake City

What are you passionate about? My current passion is music, whether that’s listening, writing, or playing.

What is your favorite class (or classes) at SLCC? Some of my favorite classes I’ve taken were Intro to Philosophy, Data Structures & Algorithms, and US Government & Politics

Which actor/actress would play you in your life movie? Kyle MacLachlan (when he was younger). I don’t think I look like him but I think he’d fit the vibe.

Where do you see yourself in five years? I truly have no idea!

If you could have a superpower, what would it be? I’d love to be able to fly.

Something about you that other people would be surprised to know: I make my own music!

Jack’s Favorites

Favorite musicians and/or artists: Radiohead! King Krule! Elliot Smith! Duster! Helvetia! So many more!

Favorite TV shows and/or movies: I adore Twin Peaks, as well as Adventure Time. Too many movies to name.

Favorite sports or sports teams: I’ve been an FC Barcelona fan for a long time.

Favorite food: I don’t have one favorite but I love curry and mole.

What’s your favorite place to eat? Mumbai House has been good to me.

What was your favorite cereal as a kid? Reese’s Puffs.