Gerson Cruz Rosales

Gerson Cruz Rosales

Contact Gerson


Gerson’s Bio

Your major: Video/Radio Production

Your hometown: Landrum, South Carolina

Where do you live now? West Jordan, Utah

What are you passionate about? I am very passionate about community service, specifically people. I love being able to leave an impact on people’s lives as well as bring a smile to their pretty little faces.

What is your favorite class (or classes) at SLCC? One of my favorite classes so far has been COMM2250, all about TV Production. I love being able to push multiple colorful buttons and call it a job.

Which actor/actress would play you in your life movie? I don’t feel like any actor is capable of acting out my beautiful and perfect life but if I had to choose it’d be Ryan Gosling. Reason being is because he’s good at being serious and emotional, which is me.

Where do you see yourself in five years? Let’s say 5 years past by just now, I’d love to see myself in a career that has to do with post production, I love doing it because of how satisfying it is to see the end product of what you did.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be? A superpower I wish to have is teleportation. Imagine how cost effective it’d be, imagine the amount of time I would save. Imagine the possibilities, I could teleport to a whole other habitable planet, don’t sleep on teleportation.

Something about you that other people would be surprised to know: Something that surprises people when they first see me is that I am a nice guy. In person I’d say I look pretty menacing, but little do people know that I am a sweetheart and wouldn’t dare hurt anyone.

Gerson’s Favorites

Favorite musicians and/or artists: As much as I hated him at first, I love Eminem. Even if he says some stuff that is outrageous, some of his work are pieces of art in media.

Favorite TV shows and/or movies: My favorite show growing up has always been Spongebob. Fun fact, I learned English thanks to him so if I don’t make sense sometimes than that’s why.

Favorite sports or sports teams: My favorite sport is the only one I’m decent at which is volleyball. Don’t challenge me or else you’ll win.

Favorite food: It’s constantly shifting but right now I love mozzarella sticks. If I could have an infinite supply of them, I would find a way to deplete all of them.

What’s your favorite place to eat? Any buffet, doesn’t matter what they serve. If you want me to be more specific than I would choose Carnival Buffet on Redwood.

What was your favorite cereal as a kid? My favorite cereal as a kid was Cinnamon Toast Crunch, reason being because of the commercials they would air on nickelodeon, with the little guys eating each other.