Contact Diana
Diana’s Bio
Your major: Journalism
Your hometown: Guatemala
Where do you live now? Main Street SLC
What are you passionate about? I’m passionate about physical and mental health, nutritious food, sports and growing as an individual.
What is your favorite class (or classes) at SLCC? Radio Performance
Which actor/actress would play you in your life movie? Julia Roberts playing Liz Gilbert in Eat Pray Love
Where do you see yourself in five years? I see myself graduating from university, working, and dedicating myself to creating change for Guatemala and succeeding in every aspect of my life.
If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Shape-shifting. So I can transform into anything I need at the moment.
Something about you that other people would be surprised to know: I’ve always wanted to act in a movie as a main character.
Diana’s Favorites
Favorite musicians and/or artists: Bad Bunny for sure. I also love salsa, so Chichi Peralta is one of my favorites.
Favorite TV shows and/or movies: Silo on Apple TV. A very interesting and futuristic version of what’s life after some disaster, turns into something deeper.
Favorite sports or sports teams: Soccer, and definitely Barca is my team
Favorite food: Asian food, Indian Food, Guatemalan food.
What’s your favorite place to eat? Mr. Shabu in Downtown
What was your favorite cereal as a kid? no