Contact Brennin
Brennin’s Bio
Your major: Animation
Your hometown: Taylorsville, Utah
Where do you live now? Cottonwood Heights
What are you passionate about? Drawing, music, music production
What is your favorite class (or classes) at SLCC? I really enjoyed my intro to animation class
Which actor/actress would play you in your life movie? Someone who is comedically hotter than me, like Timothee Chalamet or Jenna Ortega
Where do you see yourself in five years? Hopefully with a job I can be proud of
If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Some cool anime swordsman type stuff
Something about you that other people would be surprised to know: I have way too many interests, like painting miniatures
Brennin’s Favorites
Favorite musicians and/or artists: Car Seat Headrest, Black Country New Road, David Bowie, MF DOOM
Favorite TV shows and/or movies: Home Movies, King of the Hill, Jurassic Park, Godzilla
Favorite sports or sports teams: I used to play hockey! I don’t know anything about it professionally, though
Favorite food: Ramen, sushi, most Japanese or Chinese food
What’s your favorite place to eat? Itto Sushi
What was your favorite cereal as a kid? Honeycombs