Shift: Thursdays at 1 p.m.
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Mary’s Bio
Your major: Communications
Your hometown: Cottonwood Heights, UT
Where do you live now? About to move to the Foothills!
What are you passionate about? I love everything that has to do with the outdoors, whether I’m riding my bike or shredding some big steeps on my skis. I love to camp, hike, fish or even just have a nice picnic alongside some beautiful scenery.
What is your favorite class (or classes) at SLCC? My favorite class I’ve taken so far would be COMM 2400 – Media and Society. It was so interesting learning about the social media world and how much it affects our society. Plus, there were just some really good people in the class who made things extra entertaining!
Which actor/actress would play you in your life movie? Amanda Seyfried, only because I took one of Facebook’s “what celebrity do you look like most?” quizzes so it has to be right.
Where do you see yourself in five years? In 5 five years, I see myself graduated with a BS degree in Communications, and either pursuing a Masters or traveling the world! Depends on how I feel that day.
If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Does eating all the food you want without gaining any weight count as a superpower?
Something about you that other people would be surprised to know: Something that always shocks people is that I was *almost* born in Mexico. My family lived there for 5 years when I was wee young.
Mary’s Favorites
Favorite musicians and/or artists: I’m a music junkie, but I hate this question because I’ve never had a favorite artist/band! Some of my recommendations would be; Cage the Elephant, Sylvan Esso, and Drake.
Favorite TV shows and/or movies: All time favorite would be Parks and Recreation – finished 5 seasons in 2 weeks. My favorite to binge is Orange is the New Black.
Favorite sports or sports teams: Not much of a ball sports fangirl, but I love watching the Olympics – summer or winter, I don’t discriminate!
Favorite food: Pickles, I will happily take them off your plate. Or pizza, what about pickles on pizza?
What’s your favorite place to eat? Chick-Fil-A. Everyone knows it too because I always receive a gift card as a present!
What was your favorite cereal as a kid? Cocoa Puffs hands down. I am definitely still “cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs”!