Samantha Alegre, aka “La Shamy”

Samantha Alegre

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Samantha’s Bio

Your major: Journalism and digital media

Your hometown: Piura, Peru

Where do you live now? Salt Lake City, Utah

What are you passionate about? I love anything that has to do with dancing and singing because that is what I have loved the most since I was very little.

What is your favorite class (or classes) at SLCC? Right now probably the 1130 class with miss Rachel Aubrey, which is intensive writing. I think it is closer with what I want to do in the future, war press. Intensive writing is all I love.

Which actor/actress would play you in your life movie? Johnny Depp. I feel that he would be a great Samantha 2 in a male version.

Where do you see yourself in five years? I see myself starting up my path towards war press, somewhere in the world doing a documentary about what is going on in x country.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be? I saw that in the show called Teen Wolf, they can take off the pain by touching someone, any kind of pain, I just think that is fabulous.

Something about you that other people would be surprised to know: People usually are surprised when they find out I speak 3 languages. I speak Spanish because I am originally from Peru, French because I was raised in France since I was 8 years old, and English because I learned some basics at school and because I now have been living here in the United States for almost 2 years.

Samantha’s Favorites

Favorite musicians and/or artists: Grupo 5 is my favorite music group because I love Peruvian cumbia.

Favorite TV shows and/or movies: I love the Walking Dead for my favorite tv show because it was the first ever show I watched when I was 11 years old and it is really not only about zombies. For my favorite movie it is definitely La Vita e Bella, an Italian movie. I like it because it’s about an Italian Jewish family during the Holocaust, the father pretended that everything was a game so his son would stay alive.

Favorite sports or sports teams: I think soccer because of my grandfather that loved FC Barcelona. I don’t have a favorite team.

Favorite food: I love all Peruvian food but my favorite out of all of them would be ceviche de pollo.

What’s your favorite place to eat? I love the Peruvian food so much that I usually always go Peruvian restaurants that I find around the city.

What was your favorite cereal as a kid? I never ate cereals as a kid, I use to eat Peruvian breakfast until now.