Katie Checketts, aka “DJ skullcrusher”

Katie Checketts

Contact Katie


Katie’s Bio

Your major: Biology

Your hometown: Salt Lake City

Where do you live now? Salt Lake City

What are you passionate about? I am passionate about metal music, horror movies, and anything nerdy like sci-fi or fantasy media.

What is your favorite class (or classes) at SLCC? My favorite class I’ve taken at SLCC was bio 1650. I thought it was super fascinating and I feel like I gained lots of new knowledge from it. (But don’t ask me how I did on the final.)

Which actor/actress would play you in your life movie? I think Brad Pitt would be a great pick to play me in a movie about my life. This is because we look the exact same, of course.

Where do you see yourself in five years? In five years I hope to see myself graduated from Utah State and hopefully having a start at a nice career.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be? If I could have a superpower I would probably pick teleportation. I’d never be late for class again and not to mention I could travel anywhere I wanted in the world!

Something about you that other people would be surprised to know: I am a big traveler and I use whatever money I can to get out of the state. I’ve been to London and Mexico, and most recently I went on a trip to Chicago.

katie’s Favorites

Favorite musicians and/or artists: It’s gotta be a three-way tie between Alice in Chains, Metallica and Led Zeppelin.

Favorite TV shows and/or movies: My favorite movie probably ever is Alien, but some other favorites are Mad Max Fury Road, Hereditary, School of Rock, and Almost Famous.

Favorite sports or sports teams: Sports are not my thing really but I’ll go for the Chicago Bears since I just went to Chicago.

Favorite food: I can’t just pick one but a couple favorites are sushi, pho, burritos, and I cant say I don’t love me some good old-fashioned fried chicken.

What’s your favorite place to eat? I love eating at Ito sushi! Cant get myself to stay away from that mars roll.

What was your favorite cereal as a kid? Peanut butter captain crunch!